Mak Tok regained vitality with the coming home of her anak-cucu and much missed Tok Ayah who had been spending time on the path of Allah, spreading deen.
The other Tok Ayah( Abah's father) then took over. He couldnt even make it for Eid prayer at the mosque. And up until today, Tok Ayah is still weak. Being old, one thing lead to another. He is now suffering from gout and bad cough as well.
On 3rd Syawwal, as usual, we held our open house .
Family members from 8am to 12am and friends after Jumaat prayer. We got Nasi Dagang with two types of curries, ketupat palas and rendang, nasi himpit and sambal su'un, satay, jelly and assortments of cakes and cookies. ( Thankyou to KakChik Khadijah and Kakak Naheed for helping out the night before, really appreciate it, next year, tolongla lagi....)
By 12, most of our family were here and soon after, took off for their respective long journey home. By 1 o'clock Adik was very quiet, didnt even smile when Aisyah and Anah came. Mama thought it was due to sadness of parting with her many cousins who had been sleeping over for the past few days. Rupa2nya Adik dah 'caught' the virus......
When they came in the morning, Pak Uda, Mak Uda, Kak Teh Naufa and Qayya were already squirming with fever . Ayah Chik Razif came alone as Cik La and kids were already not well. Mak who went home a bit later than others reported that she had to drive all the way to their home in Kota Damansara as Ayah had a high temperature and couldnt possibly drive.
Everybody else seems to pick up from there. Ayah Mat and family, Cik Jah's kids, Mak Su Pah's and even Mama !!
Mak Uda called yesterday inquiring about Tok Ayah and told us how Pak Uda is still not well. Let's pray that their family will be well soon as they are going to have a kenduri kahwin Abang Ngah in 2 weeks time.
That's the characteristic of this fever that everyone seems to succumb. Slow recovery. Maybe it's due to our body being weak after a month long of fasting. The kids loose their appetites and the elders ( me included) are aching all over the body, more so in the leg area . I personally feel my bones rattle and my joints click whenever I move. Got both of them arthralgia and myalgia.
My friend, Dr Noran, thought, instead of normal viral fever, it might be Chikungunya.....sad news is, there is no specific treatment for it.
I guess we all just have to endure it.....patiently, while hoping for rewards from Allah. And may it become the atonement
of our sins.......
Abang and Adik on the 1st shawwal.
how's everyone back home?adnin dh ok?
naufa kt sini pun not really in a good the weather is unclouded sunny minus rain..May ALLAH bless u and warm regards to all..
Adneen dah ok,but she lost a lot of weight. Tok Ayah yg masih not fully recovered. He's feeling miserable that he still cannot go the mosque.
Hope you are feeling better...we are worried about you.
Assalamu alaikum,
I suggested a friend with acute gout to drink air daun pandan, and he reported much improvement from pain after it. Rebus daun pandan. Just that.
And for chikungunya,drink normal temperature 100 Plus. Actually it is made of jambu batu; and also sup ketam. This has been tried by a whole family from Batu Pahat and today they are well.
Insha Allah it works.
Thanks so much for the tips....will tell my father-in-law.He'll appreciate not having to resort to painkillers everytime the gout strikes.
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